Who is a Good Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

Signs that you are a good candidate for sedation dentistry at our office in Claycomo, Missouri include having a long and traumatic procedure scheduled, experiencing extreme pain and sensitivity during dental procedures, having a strong gag or swallowing reflex, having medical conditions that worsen with stress, and local anesthesia not being effective. Sedation dentistry is ideal for those who are nervous or afraid to visit the Dentist in Claycomo, Missouri office, as well as those undergoing more invasive procedures. We offer conscious oral sedation, which is safe for patients of all ages and helps them comfortably undergo necessary dental treatment. Intravenous sedation is rare and not recommended for those with sleep apnea.

You don't need to be diagnosed with anxiety or have dental phobia to need any type of dental sedation. Sedation can often help alleviate pain and induce a sense of relaxation and calm. Oral and intravenous sedatives should not be mixed with certain medications, as they may cause complications such as lowering blood pressure too much or making it difficult to breathe. Laughing gas sedation makes you feel more disconnected from what is happening around you and also provides feelings of happiness, minimizing negative feelings, thoughts and emotions.

You're likely to be a good candidate for laughing gas sedation dentistry if you're healthy and don't have major breathing problems, serious health problems, or a history of drug abuse. Dental sedation, whether with laughing gas, oral or intravenous, is intended to help you relax and feel more comfortable with the dental procedure. If fear and anxiety have been preventing you from seeking treatment, oral sedation may be the perfect option for you. Sedation can also be used to alleviate things such as the fear of numbing needles or to reduce the gag reflex.

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